Monday, June 18, 2012



           The Applewood Studio tours the Atherton Tablelands, and the Daintree

As usual, the Applewood Studio is on the hunt for new models. We visited Down Under for likely prospects.  Here are some that didn't make the cut.


               It is possible to get too close to wild emus.  They can be
   touchy birds. Who wants another diva in the studio? FYI  This picture is
        too close. They will go away if you seem to be taller than they are. This is a
problem if you are short, or sitting on the ground when they approach. 
(Remedy: Raise your arm up and make your hand into a talking duck.)

This clip is from a video called FRIENDS OF WILBER:
When Emus Attack (YouTube). 
(It was not shot by The Applewood Studio.
It is not the property of the Applewood Studio) Note that the remedy is not beibg utilized.


                        The down-side of this man eating crocodile IS patently obvious. 
He is a militant nudist .He refuses to wear any of the outfits for special shoots!

Another You Tube clip.  Watch at your own peril. 
What is the job description of the men in this video?

                             You can always count on cows to tell you whoppers.These two Aussie brahmas in North Daintree insisted that they had relatives in New Mexico.
             "Herefords from Las Vegas," they kept insisting ."Fair Dinkum!" 
This roughly translates as,  It's for real, dude!  It's a fact that these brahmas can
 twitch every inch of their wrinkly hides to hinder the sun flies and mosquitoes. 

(Sorry. No You Tube of the skin twitch available.)
